
[2010] Of a message of friendship to protesting Iranians in Malaysia

I am not quite sure what to make out of the elections in Iran. By that, I mean I do not know if there was a fraud or not. There are so many conflicting information on the internet that I must confess, I am confused and unable to decide which side is true as far as the election result is concerned

But let it be no doubt that I prefer Mousavi to Ahmadinejad. Any agent of liberty will find friendship in me. I applaud you for exercising your liberty which should be guaranteed everywhere in the world, including in Malaysia.[1] With you exercising your right to freedom of expression, you inevitably strengthen the struggle of many Malaysians to make this country truly free. And of course, yours too.

But perhaps, you may want to have more Malaysians joining your protests the next time you hold it. Deplorable as it might be, as with any primitive communal thinking, having purely foreigners protesting might give the impetus for xenophobia among conservative Malaysians. By having a local flavor, that opportunity for xenophobia can be vanquished.

Finally, here, to Spring of Tehran.

Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams. Some rights reserved Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams. Some rights reserved Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams. Some rights reserved

[1] —KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) — Malaysian police on Monday fired several rounds of tear gas to break up a noisy protest held by Iranians residing here against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s controversial election victory.

Earlier more than 200 people gathered at the city’s United Nations building to hand over a protest note demanding the world body nullify elections the Iranian opposition allege was rigged.

“We want all the countries in the world not to recognise Ahmadinejad as Iranian president. The election was fraud. The actual winner is (Mir Hossein) Mousavi,” Ali Bozrgmer, a 28-year-old student told AFP. [Malaysia police fire tear gas on Iran election protest. AFP via Google. June 15 2009]

By Hafiz Noor Shams

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