
[2228] Of the view from Mrs. Macquaries Point at dusk

Some rights reserved. By Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams.


[2227] Of cool or warm?

I had an outing to Mrs. Macquaries Point with a friend earlier today. Mrs. Macquaries Point means photography.

Here is one of my favorite shots from the outing.

Some rights reserved. By Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams.

I typically like pictures that exude coolness to those which are warm. Bluish pictures provide the crispness that I like. It feels strong. It makes a statement. And I am always prepared to shout ‘Go Blue!’

Yeah, sue me.

I had that discussion with the friend about it and he thinks warmer pictures look better. Here is warmer version of the picture shot under different white balance.

Some rights reserved. By Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams.

I do like the hint of warmth in the clouds but the second picture is too redish to me.

Maybe it is purely a matter of opinion which one can never be wrong.

Or maybe, for some pictures, certain colors just fit in. This bothers me a lot. Achieving the ‘level of coolness’ through the camera is easy (trust me, no post-production manipulation here at all apart from resizing). Knowing which is better is more subjective and hence, harder.

Regardless, I have finally found a little clique to roam Sydney with. This is the beginning of an exciting and wider experiment in photography for me.


[2207] Of vintage point from Milsons Point

Yesterday was a good night out for me for multiple reasons. One of them is this:

Some rights reserved. By Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams.

This is easily my favorite photo so far this year. A friend told me that there is a better vintage point at Kirribilli however. I must go there soon.

If you observe carefully, there are something flying at the top of the picture. Those are bats. Sydney has significant number of bats. They will typically dominate the sky here at dusk.

Also, you can see Milsons Point from this photograph that I took one or two weeks ago.

Some rights reserved. By Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams.

Milsons Point is at the center of the second picture, where the bright light is.

Between the two photos, I like the first one better. The colors are more refined. It is more natural as well.

Also, compare the first picture with this old photo of mine:

Some rights reserved. By Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams.

Clearly, night photography offers a more dramatic perspective. And oh, this was taken from The Rocks, in case that you are wondering.


[2205] Of crossing the Harbour Bridge

For some reason I cannot explain, I love crossing the Harbour Bridge.

Some rights reserved. By Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams.

I like how the bridge disappears into the mist.


[2202] Of the northern side of Sydney

Some rights reserved. By Mohd Hafiz Noor Shams.

This shot was taken from Observatory Hill in Sydney.